Raymond Island, Australia

Wildlife Sanctuary

koala on a trees

Raymond Island is well-known locally for its large koala population, originally introduced to the island in 1953 and for the Raymond Island Ferry, a chain ferry that links the island to Paynesville on the mainland. Koalas are both protected and in danger living on the island.

Date: March 2019

Location: Raymond Island, Victoria, Australia

That place is breathtaking. It is such an excitement to look in the trees and see all these koalas with such proximity. That place is a joy for nature lovers and I enjoyed each minutes I spent there.

All these images were taken with a Nikon D800E and Sigma Art 35mm f/1.4 or 150mm macro f/2.8. I processed them with Lightroom and for more fine adjustement with Photoshop and Luminar 4.