Camargue, France


group of flamingos

At the heart of Camargue’s Regional Natural Park, the Parc Ornithologique de Pont de Gau is a place with a plethora of bird species, which include hundreds of pink flamingos in their natural habitat. Ponds, swamps, lawns, channels, reed beds, saltmarshes all form this vast 60 hectare area, entirely devoted to the discovery of nature and birds of the Camargue.

Date: November 2019

Location: Parc Ornithologique de Pont de Grau

That place is breathtaking. It is such an excitement to see all these birds with such proximity. That place is a joy for photographer and I enjoyed each minutes I spent there. Hope you'll enjoy to watch my pictures as I enjoyed to take them !

My time was so good the morning, I decided to come back for sunset and it did not disappoint, the light was just marvellous !

All these images were taken with a Nikon D750 and Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8 or Sigma Sport 150-600 mm. I processed them with Lightroom and for more fine adjustement with Photoshop and Luminar 4.