
Bocas del toro

group of flamingos

Christopher Columbus and his crew first visited the area in 1502 while looking for a passage to the Pacific Ocean and landed in Bocas del Toro. Isla Colón, the main island of the archipel got it's name after that. Now, the time of a short travel I am the one falling under the laid-back spell of the islands of the Bocas del Toro. Welcome to the Caribbean that time forgot.

Date: June 2015

Location: Bocas del toro, Panama

The Río Sixaola forms part of the border with Costa Rica. An old railroad bridge spans the river between Guabito and Sixaola, Costa Rica. The bridge is the border crossing I used between Costa Rica and Panama before jumping into a taxi boat heading to Bocas del Toro in Bastimentos island. I have to say, crossing that border was quiet an experience. When you arrive on the island, you are completely disconnected to the world. I guess this is the feeling to be lost in the carribean. Life is quiet, you are surrounded by crystal clear water. The time to reach your House by boat and you already feel home.

All these images were taken with a Canon 6D with a Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 and 70-200mm f/2.8. I processed them with Lightroom.