Mercantour, France

Lakes of Vens

view from lacs de Vens

The lakes of Vens consist of a succession of five main lakes and are located in the massif of the Mercantour, between the elevations of 2,325 m and 2,278 m. To access the lakes, different hikes are available. We choose to hike from the hamlet of the Pra, heading to the lakes of Morgon where we had a beautiful lunch with a view before we hike up to the lakes of Vens.

Date: August 2019

Location: Mercantour National Park

The breathtaking lakes of Morgon facing the Italian side of the mountains. Of course it tooks some time and patience but we were lucky to spot some marmot before they disapeared inn their burrow.

We continued hiking for a few hours before we arrived to the lakes of Vens. The arrival from the top of the mountain offers a stunning view you won't forget. We were lucky enough to camp there so we could enjoy a beautiful sunset before going to sleep. Woke up just in time to enjoy a colourful sunrise before hiking down the lakes of Vens and heading back through the mountain to The Prat. Let me share with you today some pictures and maybe I'll meet you up there someday.

Haven't told you ? I couldn't book on time to have a bed on the refugee, so I brought my tent and what an amazing experience. I got woked up in the middle of the night by a donkey who find the mountain not big enough for both of us and ended eating the grass at 10 centimeter of my tent ! Great memories. And what a beautiful view for this unique sunrise. Don't forget to book the refugee if you don't have a tent, you can do that on their website.

On the way back, the view is not disapointing at all. If you visit during summer and you are brave enough you can even enjoy a refreshing swim into the lacs !

All these images were taken with a Nikon D750 and a Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8. The landscape ratio results of the stitching of several pictures, which makes these photographies really high resolutions and detailed (over 50 MegaPixels). I processed them with Lightroom and for more fine adjustement with Photoshop and Luminar 4.